3 trips completed so far this year to India with the most recent enabling me to open 14 new projects in Tamil Nadu. I think I logged over 800 kms in car time, not to mention flights and layovers, all worth it for the joy of seeing the faces of those benefitting from access to clean, safe water.
Schools remain a big need within rural India for access to a reliable source of clean water, and so the majority of our work these past few years has been towards schools. We can’t reach every school, but certainly we can make a difference by touching those schools that present with a great need and are within the sphere of our amazing partner, Depressed People’s Welfare Association. Without the work of DPWA in the communities and villages surrounding the Trichy District, we wouldn’t be at work in this area. I’m so grateful for their leadership and history of serving the rural areas with a touch of compassion.
Here’s just a taste of a project opening for a small school near Trichy.
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Your giving enables us to do something in order to make a difference and create impact in the lives of so many within rural India.