I recently returned from another successful trip to south India where I saw 12 recently completed water projects; 8 in the Andhra Pradesh region and 4 in the neighboring state of Telangana.
With each project opening I was reminded of the important role access to clean water plays in everyday life. Prior to the majority of our projects, the community was dependent on existing taps being able to provide access to clean water, yet they don’t due to a lack of electricity which operates the pumps that fill the overhead tanks. Compounding matters is that many of the overhead tanks haven’t been cleaned since they were installed and as such the communities share the taste is bad and as such, they don’t use it for drinking, just for household chores.
Providing a bore well operated by a hand pump reduces these barriers as the water is pulled directly from the ground and goes through natural filtration processes of the earth’s layers, and after testing the water quality once the drilling is complete, the project is finalized and made ready for use by the community.
Here are photos from a few of the projects I opened this past trip, and from their faces you’ll see that they place a high value on having a reliable source for clean, safe drinking water.
Wells for Life has numerous villages waiting for the same access; all that is needed are resources.
Your gift today would enable us to bring access to clean water for the villages that are waiting for a touch. This past trip, in several villages, the leaders expressed how desperate their situation had become and wondered why we hadn’t acted sooner. I shared that my resources were limited and in priority had been given to other places and unfortunately, I can’t make an impact if I don’t have the resources. They understood, but for them the passage of time between when the request was made to the project dedication was difficult and almost unbearable, which is why our arrival and dedication was more than a special occasion, it was a life changing event.
To make this type of impact for an entire village or community is only $2500 for a hand pump borewell. We do find it necessary in some areas to provide a more extensive project, which involves a submersible pump, overhead storage tank, and multiple taps; these projects range from $3500 to $5000.
Any amount you give will help us carry out our mission of providing clean, safe drinking water to rural villages and communities in need.
All that is needed is for you to click the Donate button at the top right-hand side of this page and give a one-time or recurring gift using a debit or credit card. If cash flow is an issue, we can take stock donations and if you can believe it, even bitcoin, just reach out and we’ll facilitate that transaction.
In advance, thank you for your support in bringing health and life to rural India!