by Michael | Aug 20, 2021 | Trip Updates
Almost 2 weeks ago I returned from India and on this trip, I was able to see 15 new water projects spread over 3 states. More than ever, I saw the importance of being in person, as the conversations were richer, more insightful towards cultural cues and norms, and...
by Michael | Jul 22, 2021 | Trip Updates
A window exists and I am taking it! Quarantines, lockdowns, and curfews within India have lifted! For how long? No one really knows at this point, but this opening is what I have been waiting for in order to travel. I have the appropriate Business Visa to be allowed...
by Michael | Apr 2, 2021 | Donors, News and Stories
A year of COVID is behind us and yet many of us are still working from home and carrying out work via Teams or Zoom calls and were wondering when we can get rid of our masks and go back in public without fear of risking our health or that of others. No easy answers...
by Michael | May 19, 2020 | Donors, News and Stories
What’s going on? Rural India is struggling. I read stories from NDTV (think Indian version of CNN) along with what is shared on Facebook from my partners and most isn’t good. Over a month ago the government stopped all travel in hopes that it would...