A year of COVID is behind us and yet many of us are still working from home and carrying out work via Teams or Zoom calls and were wondering when we can get rid of our masks and go back in public without fear of risking our health or that of others. No easy answers on this one, other many a viable vaccine or herd immunity.
India continues to experience its fair share of problems related to COVID and for me, her borders are still closed. Due to COVID, many restrictions have come into place with one of them being the cancellation of all previously issued Visas. I have since applied for a new Visa and was granted a 1-year Visa with 3 visits starting in June and extending to May of 2022. Not ideal for me but I will have to make it work.
Thankfully much of what Wells for Life accomplishes is carried out in India independent of my presence. In fact, COVID has shown me that our partners are more than competent and have done a fantastic job in carrying on and seeing our mission of providing clean, safe water accomplished in 60 new places last year.
There is no lack of villages to touch with clean water, so when you are ready to give, we are ready to receive your gift and make the most out of it.
To give and support our work in 2021, visit Donate | Wells for Life
Stay safe and let us believe together that better days are ahead!!