What if you had to walk a mile a day to collect water? And what if that water made you or your family sick? This was the reality of one rural village.
The government doctors kept coming and distributing medicines because many in the village were suffering from diarrhea, headaches, abdominal pain, and fever. The doctors told them that until you clean up your water, this will always be the case.
This unfortunately is the reality for so many villages throughout rural India. These villages exist, many without even a glimmer of hope for a clean, protected water source because experience has shown them, they do not matter.
Could it be it was for this reason that I heard a call? Could it be for this reason that so many of you give?
This year Wells for Life has entered more villages than any other year and brought the message of “You matter” and did this by bringing clean water. Whether the drilling project resulted in a hand pump or submersible pump with a tank, the result became clean, safe water.
79 new villages, communities and or schools have received their very own water project. These projects are in rural, tribal and forest areas, hard to reach places, and believe me I know as I am the one trying to reach them, and when I do, it’s easy for me to share “You matter.”
I am so grateful for everyone who has given and supported our work, without you 79 new projects would not have been possible. This number is our highest number of projects ever drilled, usually we are in the low to mid 60” s, so how did we carry out such a feat? Only God knows. It is his economy at work that is bringing life to an estimated 60,000 men, women and children with Wells for Life and you as donors being the vessels.
Our work and our message may not seem new to many of us in the Western world, but to those in India, when a project is completed and the ribbon is being cut and the water flows, the message is loud and clear and it’s evident by the expressions of joy and laughter which often ensues.
With Christmas being just over a week away, I cannot think of any other time of year which reveals the theme or message of “You matter” more than Christmas, after all is not this the deeper meaning of Christmas?